The Charismatic Charlie Wade (2024)

The Charismatic Charlie Wade

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The Charismatic Charlie Wade

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The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Read The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 1

Decorative lights and illuminants lit up the extravagant Wilson family mansion.

Tonight was the 70th birthday banquet of Lady Wilson, the head of the Wilson family.

Her grandchildren and their spouses gathered around her to hand her their luxurious gifts.

“Grandma, I heard that you love the Chinese tea. I looked high and low for this century-old Pu’er tea worth half a million dollars to present it to you.”

“Grandma, you are a devoted Buddhist. This Buddha statue is carved from the authentic Hetian jade, it is worth seven hundred thousand dollars…”

Looking at the nicely wrapped gifts in front of her, Lady Wilson laughed heartily. The entire ambiance was harmonious and happy.

Suddenly, Charlie Wade, Lady Wilson’s eldest grandson-in-law, spoke, “Grandma, could you lend me a million dollars, please? Mrs. Lewis from the welfare home is diagnosed with uremia and I need the money for her treatment…”

The entire Wilson family gaped in extreme shock.

Everyone stared at Charlie with bewilderment and surprise.

This live-in grandson-in-law was overly atrocious and bold! Not only did he not prepare a gift for Lady Wilson on her birthday but he actually had the audacity to ask her for one million dollars!

Three years ago, Lord Wilson, who was still alive and well, had come home with Charlie one day and insisted on marrying him to their granddaughter, Claire Wilson. Back then, Charlie was as poor and miserable as a beggar.

Lord Wilson had passed away after they got married. Ever since then, everyone in the Wilson family tried to kick him out of the family. However, Charlie was always indifferent and nonchalant like a statue despite the insults and ridicule, and he spent his days in the Wilson family quietly as a live-in son-in-law.

He was at his wits’ end that he had to borrow money from Lady Wilson today.

Mrs. Lewis, who had taken him in and saved his life, had uremia. She needed at least one million dollars for dialysis and a kidney transplant. He had no other ideas except for asking for Lady Wilson’s help.

He felt that since it was her birthday today, she might be delighted to have some mercy and provide her assistance.

However, Lady Wilson was still laughing gleefully when abruptly her lips curled downwards and his eyes furrowed indignantly.

She hurled the teacup in her hand to the floor and growled, “B*stard! Are you here to celebrate my birthday or borrow money?”

Claire hurried forward and said, “Grandma, Charlie is not thinking straight, please forgive him.” She then pulled her husband aside frantically.

At this moment, Wendy, Claire’s cousin sneered in disdain. “Claire, look at the piece of trash you’re married to! Gerald is only my fiancé and we haven’t even gotten married yet but he gifted Grandma the jade Buddha. Look at your good-for-nothing husband. Not only did he come empty-handed but he also has the nerve to ask Grandma for money!”

“You’re right! Charlie, we’re both the grandsons-in-law of the Wilson family but you’re such a disgrace!”

The man who was talking was Gerald White, Wendy’s fiancé, who was also the son of the wealthy family in town.

Although Gerald was about to marry Wendy, in his eyes, Claire was so much more beautiful and elegant than his fiancée.

Claire Wilson was the famous goddess of beauty in Aurous Hill, but Gerald was very frustrated and irritated when such a beauty got married to a loser.

“It’s best for this useless loser to get out of the Wilson family now!”

“Yes! He is such a disgrace to our family!”

“Perhaps his intention is not to borrow money but to spoil the joyful ambiance of Grandma’s birthday instead!”

Charlie clenched his fists tightly as the entire Wilson family was humiliating and ridiculing him. If it wasn’t for the sake of the urgency, he would have left this annoying place.

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The Charismatic Charlie Wade

However, his father’s words echoed in his head. He had taught him to be grateful for the help he received and to return the favor tenfold. Hence, he suppressed the fury and humiliation slowly building within him and said to Lady Wilson, “Grandma, whoever saves one life saves the world entirely. Please, I beg for your mercy.”

Someone in the room snorted loudly. “Mr. Wade, stop force-feeding chicken soup to Grandma. If you want to rescue someone, you can find a way on your own. Who do you think you are to ask for money from Grandma?”

It was Wendy’s brother, Harold Wilson.

The sinister brother and sister had always been prejudiced against Claire, who was superior to them in every aspect. Hence, they would always attack Charlie at any chance they could seize.

Claire, who was wearing a slightly awkward expression on his face, started, “Grandma, Charlie’s father died when he was eight. It was Mrs. Lewis at the welfare home who had brought him up. He is utterly grateful of her graciousness and that is why he wants to return the favor so badly. Could you please help him…”

Lady Wilson growled with an indignant face, “You want me to help him? Okay, divorce him now and marry Mr. Jones! If you do as I say, I’ll give him one million dollars right away!”

The Mr. Jones that Lady Wilson was referring to was Wendell Jones, a man who was always pursuing Claire despite her married status. The Jones family was one of the prominent families in the upper social circle in Aurous Hill, which was much more powerful than the Wilson family. Lady Wilson had always wanted to get on their good side.

At this moment, the butler sprinted in and said, “Mr. Jones sent a birthday gift to Lady Wilson! It is a Buddha talisman carved from the jadeite stone worth three million dollars!”

Lady Wilson broke into a large smile and quickly blurted, “Bring it to me! Let me see!”

The butler immediately presented the emerald green Buddha talisman which sent waves of exclamation across the living hall.

The emerald talisman was crystal clear with its vibrant and sharp colors, without any trace of impurities. It was of the finest jade quality.

Gerald, who had gifted the Buddha statue, gloomed in irritation instantly. He didn’t expect Wendell Jones, who had nothing to do with the Wilson family, to be so generous and lavish!

Lady Wilson caressed the talisman cheerfully and said, “Oh, Mr. Jones is so sensible! It will be a sweet dream come true if he were my grandson-in-law!”

Then, she lifted her gaze at Claire and asked, “So, how’s that? Do you want to consider my terms and conditions?”

Claire shook her head decidedly. “No, Grandma. I will never divorce Charlie.”

A dark stormy cloud instantly hovered beneath Lady Wilson’s eyes. She shouted angrily, “You ungrateful thing! What good is that loser? Why do you want to waste your time on him? Kick that loser out of my house! He is not allowed at my birthday banquet! I don’t want to see his face!”

Charlie heaved a sigh of dismay and regret. He didn’t want to stay with the Wilson family anymore, so he said to Claire, “Claire, I’m going to the hospital to visit Mrs. Lewis.”

Claire said quickly, “I’ll go with you.”

Lady Wilson shouted again, “If you leave now, you’re no longer my granddaughter! You can take your mom, your dad, and that loser and get out of the Wilson family!”

Claire stared at her grandmother, shocked. She did not expect to hear such a harsh comment from her.

Charlie interjected, “You stay here, don’t worry about me.”

Before Claire could compose herself from the trance, he turned and left.

Harold laughed behind him. “Hey, my dear Charlie, if you leave with an empty stomach, will you go on the street and beg for food? If you do so, you’ll tarnish our family name! Here, I have a dollar, go buy a bun or something to eat!”

Harold produced a one dollar from his pocket and threw it at Charlie’s foot.

The entire family’s thunderous laughter echoed across the house.

Charlie gritted his teeth in annoyance and left the house without looking back.


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The Charismatic Charlie Wade

When Charlie arrived at the hospital, he immediately went to the cashier department to try to negotiate an extension of payment for another two days.

However, when he approached the nurses, he was informed that overnight, Mrs. Lewis had been transferred to Fairview Hospital, Eastcliff’s top hospital, for treatment.

Charlie gaped in shock and quickly asked, “How much does it cost? I’ll find a way to settle it!”

The nurse said, “The bill is three million dollars in total. One million dollars has already been paid, the remaining two million needs to be settled without a week.”

“Who covered the one million dollars?”

The nurse shook his head. “I have no idea.”

Charlie frowned in confusion. Just as he turned around to figure it out, a man of about fifty years of age in a black suit with gray hair was standing behind him.

They exchanged glances, and the man bowed before him and said, “Young Master! We’ve finally found you! Sorry for all the troubles and misery you’ve suffered for all those years!”

Charlie furrowed and asked coldly as if he was a completely different person. “Are you Stephen Thompson?”

The man gaped in surprise. “Young Master, you still remember me!”

Charlie startled slightly and murmured, “Of course I do! I remember each and every one of you! You forcibly drove my mom and dad out of Eastcliff along with me and fled the city. My parents died along the way and I became an orphan. What do you want from me now?”

Stephen grimaced sorrowfully and said, “Young Master, Lord Wade was very sad when he learned about your father’s death. He never stopped looking for you. Come, let’s go home and meet him!”

Charlie said coldly, “Just go, I don’t want to see him.”

Stephen said, “Young Master, are you still mad at your grandfather?”

“Of course!” Charlie said loudly. “I’ll never forgive him in my entire life!”

Stephen sighed dejectedly. “Before I came here, the Master did say that you will not forgive him.”

“Good! Luckily he still has some senses in him!”

Stephen continued, “Lord Wade knows that you’ve had a hard life for so many years and he’s asking me to compensate you. If you don’t want to go home, he will buy the largest company in Aurous Hill and give it to you. Besides, here, take this card, the pin number is your birthday.”

Stephen handed over the premium black card from Citibank.

“Young Master, there are only five of such cards in the country.”

Charlie shook his head sternly. “No, I don’t want it, take it away.”

“Young Master, Mrs. Lewis is still two million dollars in debt for her medical bills. If she doesn’t pay up, she might be in danger…”

“Are you threatening me? Is this part of your sinister plan?”

Stephen waved his hands frantically. “Oh no! We wouldn’t dare do such a thing! Keep the card, then you’ll have enough money to pay the bill.”

Charlie asked, “How much is in this card?”

“Lord Wade said that he deposited some pocket money for you in this card. It’s not much, just ten billion dollars!”

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The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Read The Charismatic Charlie Wade by Lord Leaf Chapter 2

Ten billion dollars?!

Charlie was shocked. His eyes wide open, his mouth wide agape.

He knew that his grandfather was very wealthy, but back then, he was too young to understand the concept of money. He only knew that the Wade family was one of the wealthiest families in Eastcliff and even the country, but he wasn’t sure what his net worth was.

Right now, he finally knew.

If ten billion dollars were just pocket money, it meant that the entire Wade family had a net worth of more than one trillion dollars!

Frankly speaking, at this moment, he was slightly touched and swayed. However, when he thought about his deceased parents and how his grandfather was part of the reasons why they had died, he knew he could never easily forgive him.

Sensing his frustration, Stephen quickly said, “Young Master, you are one of the Wade family members, so the money is yours. Besides, technically speaking, it belongs to your father.”

“The Master said that if you’re willing to go home, he will let you inherit the family’s one-trillion-dollar business empire. If you don’t want to go home yet, use this money for your living expenses.”

“Oh yes, another piece of news—Aurous Hill’s largest and most profitable company, the Emgrand Group with a market value of one hundred billion dollars, had been wholly acquired by the Wade family yesterday. All the equities are now under your name, you can claim your right at the company tomorrow!”

Charlie listened to him in a daze, completely in disbelief.

Wasn’t it a little too much investment from the Wade family for his sake?

A premium black card with a credit limit of ten billion dollars, Emgrand Group with the net worth of one hundred billion dollars!

Although Aurous Hill was a land of talents, the only constant honorable existence was the Emgrand Group. It was the champ of Aurous Hill’s business industry! Any prominent and influential family had to bow before the Emgrand Group, including those families that humiliated him today—the Wilson family, the White family, and even the Jones family who was still trying to pursue his wife! They were nothing but lowly servants in front of Emgrand Group!

And this magnificent company was his now?

Stephen handed him a business card and said, “Young Master, you might need some time to calm down and think about it, so I’ll excuse myself now. This is my card with my number on it, please call me if you need anything!”

At that, Stephen turned and left.

Charlie was still in a daze after he left.

He didn’t know whether he should accept the compensation from the Wade family.

However, he recalled the past decade of misery and hardship and the humiliation he had experienced when he married Claire. This was the compensation that the Wade family was giving him for his suffering, so why shouldn’t he take it?

Besides, Mrs. Lewis urgently needed two million dollars for her treatment.

He gritted his teeth as he clutched on the card tightly, then turned back to the cashier department. “Hi, I would like to settle the bill.”

The card was swiped, the password was keyed in, and the transaction was complete.

Two million dollars was credited into the hospital’s account just like that.

Charlie felt like he was still hovering in the clouds.

Did he just become a billionaire in the blink of an eye?


He went home in a trance.

At this moment, the house was fueled with the wrath of fury.

Claire and her parents did not live in the Wilson family villa but they stayed in an ordinary house instead.

Since Claire married Charlie and after Lord Wilson died, they were kicked out of the villa.

His mother-in-law was screaming in great dismay, “Charlie Wade, that loser! He’s such an embarrassment! If you don’t divorce him now, your grandma might kick you out of Wilson Group!”

Claire said calmly, “If she does, I’ll just find another job.”

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The Charismatic Charlie Wade

“You…” Her mother growled angrily, “What’s so good about that loser, anyway? Why can’t you just divorce him and marry Wendell? If you marry Wendell Jones, our whole family can hold our head up high!”

Her father added, “Your mom’s right! If you marry Wendell, our family will immediately become a precious treasure in the family. Your grandma will cherish you and pamper you every day!”

Claire uttered, “Just stop. I won’t divorce Charlie.”


Both parents had wanted to keep on persuading Claire when Charlie pushed the door open and walked in.

His in-laws gave him a dirty look when they saw him.

His mother-in-law snorted in disgust. “I thought you’d forgotten the way home, loser!”

Charlie sighed quietly inside his heart. His mother-in-law had always looked down on him, but what would she do if she were to know that he was now the owner of Emgrand Group and had ten billion dollars in cash?

However, this was not the time to reveal his true identity.

He had left the Wade family for a long time now, who knew how was the family doing now? What if someone from the family targeted him if he exposed himself?

Staying in the dark was the best option for now.

Hence, he lowered his head and said humbly, “Mother, I’m sorry for all the troubles I’ve caused today.”

His mother-in-law shouted, “Trouble? This is more than trouble, you’re putting us at stake! Can’t you have the slightest decency and get out of our house?”

Claire hurriedly interjected, “Mom, how could you say that? Charlie is your son-in-law!”

“Bullsh*t!” her mother growled, “I don’t have such a loser as my son-in-law! It’s better if he can go as far as he can!”

Claire nudged Charlie and said, “Hurry, let’s go back to the room.”

Charlie nodded gratefully and fled back to the room.

They had been married for three years, but they had never consummated the marriage, not even once. Claire slept in bed while he slept on the floor at the side.

Tonight, Charlie found it hard to fall asleep.

What unfolded today was a real shock and consternation and he had yet to digest it.

Before going to bed, Claire said, “How is Mrs. Lewis doing? I have about one hundred thousand dollars with me now, you can use it tomorrow.”

Charlie said, “It’s okay. Someone paid her bill and transferred her to Eastcliff for treatment.”

“Really?” Claire exclaimed in awe. “Wow! So, Mrs. Lewis will be fine then?”

“Yes,” Charlie said, “Mrs. Lewis has done good deeds throughout her life and helped so many people. Now, someone is returning her favor.”

“Glad to hear that.” Claire nodded with a smile. “You can have peace of mind now.”


“I want to sleep now. There’s a lot to handle in the company lately, I’m exhausted.”

“What’s happening in the company?”

“It’s not doing very well lately. Grandma wants to collaborate with Emgrand, but Wilson Group is too weak as compared to their scale. They wouldn’t even bat an eye at us.”

“Oh? Has there not been a collaboration between Wilson Group and Emgrand before?”

Claire laughed sarcastically. “Of course not! What are we in the eyes of Emgrand? I bet we look like a speck of insignificant dust to them! Even Gerald’s family, Wendy’s fiancé’s family, could barely scratch the tail of Emgrand’s business empire. This is also why Grandma is eager for them to be married soon so the White family can help our family build some connections with Emgrand.”

Charlie nodded knowingly.

The Wilson family had used all the tricks up their sleeves to collaborate with Emgrand Group.

However, Lady Wilson never would have thought that he owned Emgrand Group now…

Thinking of this, Charlie decided to take over Emgrand Group and lend Claire a hand in her business. The Wilson family did not treat her fairly and they bullied her too much. As her husband, he had the responsibility to help her improve her status in the family.

He said in his heart earnestly, ‘Claire, your husband is different now! I will not let anyone look down on you again! I will make the entire Wilson family bow down to you!”

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The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Read The Charismatic Charlie Wade by Lord Leaf Chapter 3

The next morning, after preparing breakfast, Charlie rode his scooter to Emgrand Group’s office.

He parked his scooter on the side of Emgrand’s parking lot. As soon as he locked his scooter, a black Bentley slowly parked in a spot across from him.

He looked up inadvertently and saw a young couple getting out of the car.

The man was wearing a branded suit, looking very handsome and smart. Meanwhile, the lady was dressed up in a flamboyant style. Although somewhat gaudy, she was considered a beauty.

As it turned out, the lady was Wendy Wilson, Claire’s cousin, and the man was her fiancé, Gerald White.

Charlie didn’t know why they were here, but he knew that the best way to avoid trouble was to stay away from them.

However, the more eager he wanted to hide from them, the higher chances they would see him.

Wendy caught sight of him from the corner of her eyes. She yelped loudly, “Hey, Charlie!”

Wendy called out his name in a friendly manner, but Charlie felt goosebumps all over his back.

Out of courtesy, he could only stop where he was and wait for them to approach him. He smiled and asked, “Wendy, hey, why are you here?”

Wendy chuckled. “Oh, Gerald is here to see Doris Young, vice-chairman of Emgrand Group! I’m here to keep him company.”

Then she turned to look at Gerald with affection and said, “The White family has a lot of projects with Emgrand Group. Not only would it help the White family but also our Wilson family in the future.”

Charlie didn’t know that the White family was one of Emgrand Group’s business partners. After all, he had just taken over the company and he hadn’t had time to get through the details.

He didn’t show anything unusual on his face. Instead, he simply said with a polite smile, “Mr. White is very talented and magnificent, both of you make a great couple!”

Gerald glared at Charlie contemptuously, feeling a surge of anger within him.

This loser had been scolded so badly by Lady Wilson yesterday in front of everybody, how was he able to smile like a clown as if nothing had happened today?

Why did Claire, such a stunning and wonderful lady, marry such a loser?

If this loser never existed, he would certainly have pursued Claire with great effort! Who would want to be engaged to Wendy, the girl who paled in comparison in every aspect?

Gerald huffed a breath in dismay and asked in a pretentious tone, “Why are you here?”

Charlie casually said, “I’m here to apply for a job.”

“Apply for a job?” Gerald sneered disdainfully. “You? The loser who can’t do anything wants to apply for a job at Emgrand? Are you kidding me?”

Charlie frowned. “What has it to do with you?”

The reason why Wendy called Charlie in the first place was to humiliate him. Now that Gerald had started, she immediately mocked, “Why? Gerald is right, isn’t he?”

“In terms of educational background, do you have any diplomas?”

“In terms of skills and abilities, do you have any achievements or results to show them?”

“Trust me, they wouldn’t even entertain a loser like you even if you’ve come to apply for a security job. Know your place, you’re better off going to the streets to scavenge for trash, you might earn two or three thousand a month at least!”

Then, she hurled a water bottle to Charlie’s feet and smirked, “There you go, pick it up and sell it for money! Don’t say that I don’t care about you.”

Gerald laughed sinisterly. “You are a piece of trash, but, we’re still relatives after all. I’ll have your back. It happens that I know the vice-chairman of the Emgrand Group in person, why don’t I say a few good words on your behalf and see if she can arrange a toilet cleaning job for you?”

Charlie curled his lips into a cold sneer and said, “What kind of job I’m applying for is none of your business, you should mind your own business instead. Emgrand Group is a big company, I believe they wouldn’t want to collaborate with lowly garbage like you.”

Gerald’s face flushed with anger. “Who are you calling garbage?”

Charlie replied disdainfully, “You, garbage!”

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The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Then, he turned and walked towards the building, ignoring Gerald’s indignant screams behind.

“D*mn you! Stop! Stop right there, do you hear me?”

Very soon, Gerald strode quickly and caught up with Charlie at the elevator hall.

He wanted to teach Charlie a lesson, to give him at least two slaps on his face to let him know the consequences of offending him, but they were inside Emgrand Group’s building now. He was worried that the harsh action would tarnish his reputation and infuriate his business partner, so he had no choice but to dismiss the idea.

He gritted his teeth and warned, “I’ll let you go today, but you won’t be so lucky next time!”

Charlie snorted and walked into the elevator. Before the door closed, he said, “Gerald White, do you really think you’re so powerful? Trust me, you will soon know the price to pay for being so co*cky and arrogant!”

“You little…”

Gerald’s face turned into an ugly shade of red. He wanted to rush into the elevator but Wendy pulled his arms and said, “Gerald, don’t take the same elevator as that loser, we might suffocate from his stench.”

He nodded, fully aware that it wasn’t wise for him to lay his hands here. Hence, he snorted coldly. “Huh, you’re lucky today. I’ll teach you a lesson next time!”


In the elevator, Charlie went directly to the top floor where the chairman’s office was located.

Stephen had already made all the arrangements for him here at Emgrand. The person in charge of the arrangements was a woman named Doris Young.

Doris Young had earned her reputation as a renowned businesswoman in Aurous Hill. Not only was she a charming lady, but she was also extremely capable. She had been promoted to vice-chairman of the Emgrand Group at a young age. She was also among the factors behind the success of the company today.

Now that Emgrand Group had been acquired by the Wade family, the former chairman had abdicated and Doris stayed back to assist the new chairman.

Doris was quite shocked when she first saw Charlie. She didn’t expect to see such a young and charming man when she heard about him from Stephen!

She quickly composed herself and greeted him respectfully. “Welcome, Mr. Wade. Please follow me to my office.”

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The Charismatic Charlie Wade (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.