Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (2024)

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (2)

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (3) Acquisition

Y'shtola: Old Sharlayan (Zone)-Archons' Design-The Rostra(x:11.4, y:7.9)

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (6)Closest Aetheryte: Old Sharlayan (Zone)→The Rostra

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (7) Requirements
Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (8)Reunited at Last (Level 90)

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (9) Any Disciple of War or Magic (excluding limited jobs) (Level 90)

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (10) Rewards



For Others to Follow

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (14) Description
Y'shtola has the look of a woman satisfied with her work.
Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (15) Objectives
  • Speak with the Crystarium gatekeep at the Dossal Gate.
  • Speak with Lyna.
  • Speak with the accommodating official at Meghaduta.
  • Speak with Y'shtola.
  • Head for Meghaduta.
Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (16) Unlocks Quests
Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (17)When One Door Closes... (Level 90)
Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (18)Where Worries Melt Away (Level 1)
Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (19) NPCs Involved

Y'shtola,Alisaie,Alphinaud,Estinien,Urianger,Atheleys,Crystarium Gatekeep,Lyna,Ryne,Beq Lugg,Accommodating Official,Varshahn,Azdaja,Zero
  • Y'shtola has the look of a woman satisfied with her work.
  • Not long after you and your comrades notify the Forum of your mission's success, Y'shtola receives a linkpearl call from Nidhana, who informs her that a great feast will be held in Radz-at-Han to celebrate Azdaja's homecoming. The members of your party are naturally invited, but before you can make your way to Thavnair, you must deliver the memoria crystal containing Zeromus's aether to your friends in the First.
  • Upon arriving in the Crystarium, you present yourself to the sentry at the Dossal Gate. The man directs you to the Ocular while he goes to find Lyna and Beq Lugg.
  • While they were already well aware of your triumph, your friends are no less happy to hear your personal account, having been glad to play a role in protecting the Source. They are further delighted and intrigued when you entrust to them the memoria crystal and explain Zero's idea of using it to restore balance to the First. While there is no telling if it will be possible, Beq Lugg and Ryne resolve to do their utmost to try.
  • Lyna had faith that you would be victorious in the end, and she is equally certain that the people of Norvrandt will cheer when they learn the Warrior of Darkness managed to save his home. She assures you that they will continue the work they've begun, and so secure in the knowledge that the fortunes of the First will surely improve, you return to the Source that you may join the celebration in Radz–at–Han.
  • You arrive in time to partake of a sumptuous feast at Mehryde's Meyhane. Having had your fill, you step aside for a moment's respite and find Estinien doing likewise. The dragoon takes the opportunity to inquire as to your future plans, and when you struggle to answer, he assures you that you will know when the time is right. The two of you are then joined by Y'shtola, who muses that her coming days will be spent compiling theories on cross-rift travel. But when she turns to ask after Estinien's plans, you find that he has already silently taken his leave─as is his wont.
  • Y'shtola thanks you for everything you've learned and accomplished─to have been a part of something so momentous─before taking her leave. Alone once more, you heed her suggestion and make your way to Meghaduta, there to call on Vrtra.
  • You find Vrtra in the form of Varshahn, who explains that he has assumed the guise to readily escort his sister Azdaja about Radz-at-Han. Long has he dreamed of showing her his beautiful city, a glittering jewel born of unity, and he intends to relish every moment of it. The happiness in his words warms your heart, and fills your breast with pride for the part you played in reuniting siblings separated across worlds and millennia. And though Darkness yet reigns in the void, the spark of hope has been rekindled, instilling you with faith that, one day, life-giving Light will shine there once more.

HydaelynThe Northern Empty (Landmass)The Northern EmptyOld Sharlayan (Zone)Archons' DesignThe Rostra

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (22) Cutscene start.

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (23) The Last Stand (Music)


With that, our obligations here are concluded.

Oh, Nidhana. What news from Thavnair?

They've returned, then? Wonderful. Rest assured all is well with us too.

...Is that so?

We would be honored, of course. I shall relay this to the others.

A great feast will be held in Radz-at-Han to celebrate Azdaja's homecoming. We have all been invited.


I'm afraid my sister and I must decline. We have only just returned home; to leave again so soon would be inconsiderate to our parents.


With regret, I too must excuse myself from attendance. A prior commitment requireth that I remain in Sharlayan for a time.

Let not our absence deter you, however. Pray enjoy yourselves to the fullest.


I've no plans in particular, so you can count me in. I may as well visit the Radiant Host while I'm there.


How about you, Forename?

What will you say?
Far be it from me to turn down free food!I have a delivery to make to the First.


That's the spirit.

Ah, but what about the memoria crystal? 'Twould be remiss of us not to deliver it promptly to our friends in the First.


Ah, of course. The memoria crystal. 'Twould be remiss of us not to deliver it promptly to our friends.

Also, if they are to transfer Light and Dark between worlds, they will need command over the Crystal Tower.

In which case, I shall give you my spirit vessel to take again. When you arrive in the Crystarium, the sentry at the tower should be able to round up everyone for you.

Once you have seen to matters there, come and join us at Meghaduta.


Give everyone our regards, you hear?

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (24)

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (25) Cutscene end.

The FirstNorvrandt (Landmass)NorvrandtThe CrystariumThe TriviumThe Cabinet of Curiosity

Beq Lugg

'Tis good to see you, Forename. If you're come to discuss what became of your mission, perhaps we should speak in the Ocular that Ryne and Lyna may join us.

The FirstNorvrandt (Landmass)NorvrandtLakelandThe Exarch GateThe Accensor Gate


So the mission was a success. That is well. Let us go to the Ocular and share the glad tidings with Ryne and Beq Lugg.

The FirstNorvrandt (Landmass)NorvrandtThe CrystariumThe RotundaThe Dossal Gate

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (26) Voiced cutscene start.

Crystarium Gatekeep

Welcome back, sir. Mistress Ryne is still in the Ocular. Will you be joining her?


Enter the Ocular?

Crystarium Gatekeep

Very good. If you would care to head inside, I shall send for Captain Lyna and Beq Lugg at once.

The FirstNorvrandt (Landmass)NorvrandtThe Ocular

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (27) Voiced cutscene start.

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (28) Fragments of Forever

Beq Lugg

Ah yes, the king has already shared what they glimpsed in the Source. The day is won, and the danger passed.

Hearing the tidings lifted a great weight from my shoulders. Never before had I taken on such a monumental request.


Small though it was, we are glad to have played a role in saving the Exarch's home, and yours.

Furthermore, the endeavor served to reaffirm the bond between the peoples of Norvrandt.

Nurturing this bond, we will strive to be an example for the world Zero aspires to restore.


Is that...a memoria crystal? I can feel it... The tremendous Darkness within...

Using Darkness from the void to restore balance to this world... If such a thing could be done...!

Beq Lugg

Well, well... Though night has returned to our world, Darkness cannot arise of its own accord, much less in abundance.

But if it could be brought here in like manner to how we channeled Light to the void, it may well be possible to restore the Empty in its entirety!

Do you still have that spirit vessel with you?

If so, I beg you loan it to me for a time. I would use it to investigate a way to have the tower receive rather than send energy.

Thank you. I shall commence my work at once in concert with Unukalhai, and rigorously explore the possibility.

Thank you. While I make no promises at this stage, I shall rigorously explore the possibility.


I too need to explore new possibilities for my powers. My recent experience at Nabaath Areng has taught me that.

To that end, I will set aside botany for a time, and focus instead on myself.

Knowing Zero is out there, doing her utmost to restore her own world... It inspires me to redouble my efforts!


There you are.

I waited and waited, but you never came. What have you been doing here?





Do I know you?

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (29) Music Stops

What will you say?

Don't tell me you've lost your memory again!?

We promised to go for coffee biscuits, remember?

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (30) Music Resume

Oh, I'm just teasing. I wouldn't forget you in a hurry.

I'm still keeping my diary, adding new memories to it every day.


Not only that, Gaia's writing a story too. I can't wait for it to become a book!

I never agreed to anything of the sort.

Besides, coffee biscuits are old news. I'd rather try something else.


What? I thought you liked them too... Well, no matter. The Second Serving has something for every taste, so let's just go!


Enough about that. What were you talking about?

Harnessing Darkness from the void... Now there's an idea.

Of course, if you're dealing with Darkness, Ryne alone won't cut it.

Next time, call on me as well. All right?

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (31) Voiced cutscene end.

Beq Lugg

For so long I was loath to trust in others, fearful of my research being misused again. That it may serve noble ends comes as a relief. I shall spare no effort to restore balance between Light and Dark!


Come to speak with Ryne, have you? Well, don't keep her for too long. I was planning a trip to Il Mheg, but knowing how devious the fae folk can be, I asked her to join me.

I also wouldn't mind visiting Amaurot someday. It's been on my mind of late, and it would be interesting to see where those two lived in the time of the ancients, if only once.


Hmm... If I had Gaia's help, I wonder if I could take in Darkness the same way Zero took in Light...


A brighter tomorrow awaits. Zero's Light will shine the way.

The FirstNorvrandt (Landmass)NorvrandtThe Ocular


It was a mighty struggle, but I had faith that you would be victorious in the end.

And I doubt not that the people of Norvrandt will cheer when they learn that the Warrior of Darkness managed to save his home.

I know you are a busy man, so don't let us keep you. Rest assured that we will continue the work we've begun.

If the Crystal Tower is to be used for research, it may be prudent to bolster its security.

It is the Exarch's legacy, and we must spare no effort to keep it safe.

HydaelynIlsabard (Landmass)IlsabardThavnairThe Perfumed RiseThe Great Work (Landmark)


Though the mission is complete, there is still so much I wish to learn of the void.

Naturally, I thought to seek out Azdaja. Then I remembered how, when speaking with Y'shtola of the First, my enthusiasm carried us well into the early hours of the morning. I hope not to make that same mistake again.

HydaelynIlsabard (Landmass)IlsabardThavnairThe Perfumed RiseThe Hamsa Hatchery


Varshahn. My dear little brother... He will be all right, won't he?

HydaelynIlsabard (Landmass)IlsabardRadz-at-HanDharmaMeghaduta

Accommodating Official

Master Surname, you honor us with your presence!

Though I am but a humble servant, I offer you my heartfelt thanks for rescuing the satrap's beloved sister.

But without further ado, the great feast to celebrate this joyous occasion is about to begin! The venue is Mehryde's Meyhane, and you are a guest of honor!

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (32) Voiced cutscene start.

HydaelynIlsabard (Landmass)IlsabardRadz-at-HanArthaMehryde's Meyhane

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (33) The Last Stand (Music)


It cannot be...

Oh, Varshahn, my darling little brother... To think that I will never see you again...


The way you carry on, anyone would think he was actually your brother...

Save your tears, now. His Excellency still has one of his eyes.

And he has made it clear he intends to continue using his vessel. You'll see Varshahn again, never fear!


Truly? But...will it be the little one?


Personally, I prefer the adult vessel. It cuts a gallant figure, and has superior functionality besides.

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (34) Music Stops

(- Nahbdeen -)

Bah, I don't care about such things!


My little brother is...

Little! And adorable!

( Nidhana Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (35) )

Sisters, give me strength...

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (36) Music Resume


'Tis a fine thing being so loved.

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (37) Music Stops


Had enough of the revelry, have you?

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (38) Each Drop


So, what's next for our hero?

No need to decide just yet. You'll recall our escapades in the void began with a treasure map I paid entirely too much gil for.

You can't force an adventure. It'll happen when it happens, and you'll know when the time is right.

Till then, it's good to lend an ear to others and their tales. And speaking of others...


Discussing each other's plans, are we?

Alas, I have nothing exciting to share. I foresee an extended confinement in my Sharlayan chambers, compiling my theories on cross-rift travel.

My research may be classified, prohibited by the powers that be...

But so long as a bond exists between people, ever shall our worlds be connected. As it stands, a means to travel to the First is within reach, and I would be satisfied even should my research not exist in an official capacity.

And what of you, Estinien? Have you any plans?

He never was one to stay put for long. Though I've no doubt he will make himself known when needed.

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (39) Voiced cutscene end.


'Twas a lively feast, was it not? And it impressed upon me once again how dear Vrtra is to his people.

Well, as much as I should like to linger, 'tis past time I took my leave. If you mean to depart as well, I suggest you call on Vrtra before setting out.

And before I forget─thank you. For everything we learned, and for everything we accomplished, I couldn't be more grateful.

Till next time, take care.

HydaelynIlsabard (Landmass)IlsabardRadz-at-HanDharmaMeghaduta

(- Azdaja -)

Vrtra's friend... I thank thee.


Azdaja regards you with keen interest.


Forename, I hope you enjoyed the festivities. To be able to celebrate Azdaja's return with everyone was...moving beyond words.

Lest you wonder, I've chosen to use this vessel for now, the better to escort my sister about Radz-at-Han.

This leaves my true form without an eye, but I do not anticipate having need of it in the immediate future.

Long have I dreamed of showing Azdaja my beautiful city, a glittering jewel born of unity. And I shall relish every moment of it.

Now then, I believe both Y'shtola and Estinien have embarked on their respective journeys, but have you yourself business elsewhere?

If not, you are welcome to remain here as long as you like. Should aught of import arise, we will inform you─but until such a day arrives, I bid you take your ease.

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (40)

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (41) Voiced cutscene start.

HydaelynThe Northern Empty (Landmass)The Northern EmptyOld Sharlayan (Zone)Archons' DesignThe Baldesion Annex

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (42) The Day Will Come (Endwalker)


Everything appears to be in order...

Finished at last.

So time-consuming... How nice would it be to have a mammet to handle such tasks.

Now then, let's have a look at you.

Quite old, this letter. We'll need to store it carefully.

Addressed to Grandfather! And come all the way from Tuliyollal, from a Guloo...someone.

The ink's too faded. Hardly anything is legible.

Come on, give me something...

A commission to investigate the golden Tural!?

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (43) Everywhere and Nowhere


How odd... No one ever mentioned such a commission, nor have I seen any records.

Hm? Something else in here...

What an unusual earring. How does it relate to the petition, I wonder...

Did you go there, Grandfather? To the golden city, in Tural?

HydaelynThe Northern Empty (Landmass)The Northern EmptyOld Sharlayan (Zone)Scholar's Harbor


Back again already, after making a show of leaving...

Well, this is it. Sharlayan.

Quite a far cry from Tuliyollal, yes?

Come, let's go and find your candidate─our adventurer friend.

Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (44) Voiced cutscene end.

HydaelynIlsabard (Landmass)IlsabardRadz-at-HanDharmaMeghaduta


When my sister has strength enough to fly beyond the clouds, I would share with her the beauty of Thavnair. We will soar the skies by starlight as we did in our youth, and gaze upon its natural splendor.


Radz-at-Han... Home...

    Growing Light - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (2024)


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