Download The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 46 50 of Study Material Study Resources In PDF Format - (2024)

The Charismatic Charlie W ade Chapter46 – 50Chapter 46:

This is a bit tricky .

I have to say hello to Issac in advance and be fullyprepared in advance, in any case, Ican’t reveal my identity .

During the meal, Elsa said to the two of them: “Thistime I came to Aurous Hill, I alsohad an appointment with our former classmates. Everyonesaid that they would take thisopportunity to have a classmate gathering. What do

you two think?”Charlie said immediately: “If you have a classmategathering, I won’t participate.”“Why?” Elsa said, “Although we are not four-year collegeclassmates, we still had a

classmate relationship for one year!”When Charlie was taken in by the Old Master of theWillson family , he sent him toAurous Hill University in order to let him know Clairein advance, and he went to the

same class as Claire for a year of senior year .

After graduating from senior year , the two got marriedimmediately .

However , Charlie had only been classmates with thosepeople for a year , and most ofthem had always looked down on him, and they had nofriends, so he was notinterested at all to hear about class reunions.

Claire didn’t want to attend the class reunion either ,so she said, “I will not go withCharlie. After graduation, I have no contact withmost of my classmates.”Elsa hurriedly said: “The main reason for the class

reunion this time is that Darren in theclass opened a restaurant, which will open tomorrow .

He openly asked everyone to chillat his restaurant and have a meal together .”After that, Elsa said again: “Y ou think it’ s a good business for someone else to go there,isn’t it inappropriate?”As soon as the voice fell, the phones of all three

of them beeped due to W eChatnotification.

Immediately afterward, a lot of W eChat notificationspopped up.

Everyone took out their mobile phones and looked atit. It turned out that Darren pulleda group of classmates, and this group soon reachedmore than 30 people.

Darren said in the group: “Dear old classmates, thesmall hotel I invested in will of ficiallyopen at noon tomorrow . The hotel is in Aurous Hill.

Please come and enjoy theexperience with Aurous Hill classmates. It will bea class gathering!”“It just so happens that Elsa, one of the two goldenflowers in our class, will also come

to work in Aurous Hill. She will also attend the partythis time. It is said that Elsa is stillsingle and the bachelors in the group can hurry up!”Immediately afterward, a large group of people responded.

“Wow! Congratulations!”“Oh, Elsa has come to Aurous Hill? Why haven’t weheard of it! She will be there bythen!”“Where is Claire, another golden flower in our class?

Is she coming?”“I heard that Claire was with Charlie, who came toour class later? I heard that Charliestill lives with the Willson family?”“I also heard about it. I don’t know if it’ s true

or not. I haven’t seen them both since Igraduated.”“I heard that they are just a couple’ s cutscene. Theyare nominal but not real. I don’tknow if it is true or not?”

Claire saw these contents and said to Charlie, “Don’ttake it to your heart.”Charlie smiled slightly: “It’ s okay , what they said is also the actual situation, I have longbeen used to it.”Elsa hurriedly said in the group: “Don’t gossip about

others! I am now having dinner withthe couple! They are lovely!”“Oh, it’ s Elsa!”A lot of licking dogs quickly gathered around.

At this time, there was someone in the group Charlie,the group leader Darren: “Charlie,although you came to our class for a short time, therelationship between our twobrothers was pretty good when we were in school. Tomorrow

you and your wife must bethere!”Charlie’ s impression of Darren was pretty good. Thisperson was really nice. He wasvery kind to everyone, and he never ridiculed others.

He was one of the few classmateshe had a good relationship with.

Seeing that he had said so, Charlie immediately replied:

“Okay , I will definitely come tojoin you tomorrow .”Darren said immediately: “That’ s great! W e must gettogether tomorrow!”Chapter 47:

Seeing that Charlie had agreed to the classmate gathering,Claire reminded Charlie,“We have to prepare some gifts for the opening ofDarren Hotel. W e cannot goempty-handed.”

Charlie nodded and said, “I’ll buy a gift for himtomorrow morning.”“Okay .” Claire said: “It just so happens that I haveto go to the Emgrand Group tomorrowmorning.”

Elsa asked in surprise: “Are you coming to Emgrandtomorrow morning? Then come tome when you are finished with your business. It justso happens that I will drive your carto Darren’ s restaurant at noon.”

Claire smiled and said: “Then your wishful thinking is wrong! I don’t have a car . I usuallytake a taxi or take a bus. Sometimes Charlie ridesan electric bike to pick me up.”“Huh?” Elsa blurted out: “Y ou are a director , youhaven’t bought a car yet!”

Claire said: “I haven’t worked for a long time, andI haven’t made any money . I usuallyspend money with Charlie and I have to pay for mymother ’s living expenses. If I get it inone month, I can spare thousands. not enough to buy

a car .”After that, Claire said again: “Also, to be honest,I think buses are very convenient. If theweather is good, Charlie’ s electric bike is also good.”Elsa said seriously: “Sometimes you have to pay attention

to ostentation. After all, youare now the director of the Willson Group, and youare the partner that directlycooperates with Emgrand. If you don’t even have acar, you will be talked about.”

Charlie also felt that Elsa was right.

My wife has always been too frugal, and most of themoney she earned has beenhanded over to his mother-in-law , so she has alwaystreated herself badly .

The mother-in-law is just a brave who just can’t eat.

She saved more than one million toinvest in unreliable financial management, not tomention two or three million to buy acar for her daughter to drive.

Thinking of this, he felt that he will have to buya car for his wife. In this way , it would beconvenient for her to go out and do errands in thefuture, and it would be better for herto talk about business with others.

After making up his mind, he decided to go to the4s store early tomorrow morning tohave a lookAfter dinner , the couple and Elsa left and took ataxi home together .

On the radio in the taxi, there are discussions aboutthe Shangri-La Hanging Gardenbeing chartered.

The hosts were all amazed that this was the first time in history that Shangri-La hadmade an exception to reserve the Sky Garden. He was also very curious about whocould have such a great reputation.

The taxi driver also said: “I want to see, this personwho packs the sky garden must bethe god-level rich man on the YouTube short video!”Charlie didn’t talk, but he was a little surprisedin his heart!

It seems that after the news that the Hanging Gardenon the top floor of the Shangri-LaHotel was reserved, it really caused a sensation throughoutAurous Hill!This night, this matter continued to ferment throughout

Aurous Hill! Soon the city is fullof storms and no one knows it!Everyone knows that the Shangri-La Hotel adopts amembership service, and onlysenior members have the opportunity to use the sky

garden! As for the reservation, youdon’t have to think about it at all. Diamond membersare not even eligible!So, who on earth contracted the sky garden has suddenlybecome a major issue for

everyone’ s curiosity!There are rumors that the person who undertook thesky garden is the god-levelwealthy who has become popular all over the countryon YouTube;

Some people say that the person who has contractedthe Sky Garden is an overseasrich man;Some people even say that the person who has reservedthe sky garden was a

mysterious man. The reason why he did that was tohold a grand and romanticwedding.

Sure enough, the third rumor is more convincing!For a time, there was another wave of rumors in themarket!Chapter 48:

Chapter 48:

After countless women heard it, they were even moreenvious and jealous.

Everyone speculated about which woman was so happythat allowed people to smashmillions in one night, wrap up the entire sky garden,and show her love!Many people are looking forward to that day soon,

so let’ s find out!In order to avoid revealing his identity , Charliespecially ordered Issac to make a specialtransformation of the entire Hanging Garden. At thesame time, he also looked forward

to the arrival of the wedding anniversary in his heart!He wants to give Claire a grand wedding on the dayof their anniversary!……Early the next morning, Charlie went out early and

went to the 4s shop.

He has a 10 billion bank card in his hand, which hehas not used much yet.

This time, he was going to buy Claire a luxury carthat could be on the table.

He himself wanted to buy her a Rolls Royce in onestep.

But after thinking about it carefully , he was afraidthat such an expensive car would notbe easy to explain to her . Moreover , Claire’ s personalityhas always been low-key . Evenif she had such an expensive car , she would not be

willing to drive it out.

So he decided to buy a business car for his wife about500,000 worth, which is worthyof face, not too public, and more practical. She won’tbe so distressed if it is scratchedor bumped.

Thinking of this, he planned to buy an Audi a6 forhis wife. Nowadays, all businesspeople drive a6. The car has a lot of reputation.

Moreover , a6 is an extended businesscar, which is very suitable for his wife to drive.

When he came to the Audi 4s shop, he parked his littlee-bike at the door and walked in.

Several shopping guides inside saw a customer coming, and two people wereimmediately ready to greet him.

A woman behind said hurriedly: “Oh, this man cameon an electric bike. It seems that heis here to use the air conditioner or the Wi-Fi. Justleave him alone.”When they heard that they came on an electric bike,

the others lost interest in aninstant.

Recently , the weather is hot, and there are alwayspoor ghosts who rush over to rub theair conditioner early . Sometimes they shamelesslysit in the exhibition car and don’t getdown. In the end, they can only send security guards

to rush them out. The sales arevery annoying. .

Charlie rides an electric bike and wears a suit tosell goods. It is really not conspicuoushere. He doesn’t look like a person who can af fordAudi.

No one took care of himself, and Charlie didn’t care.

He went directly to the exhibitionarea of the a6 sedan and found that the price ofthis car ranges from 300,000 to morethan 600,000. The model of more than 600,000 is thea6 top model and the extended

executive version.

To be honest, this car looks really good!The price of more than 600,000 is not too expensive,Claire should be able to accept it.

So he opened his mouth and said, “Is there a new carfor this top A6? I want to buy itnow!”The shopping guides all looked at him like a fool,and one of them said contemptuously:

“Have you seen the price? Is there a small numberof zeros?”Charlie frowned and looked at him: “618,000, I sawit.”The man sneered and said, “you saw it, are you still

dreaming? Can you af ford it? A billwill come out for you to swipe your card after a while,so many people are watching, youcan’t take it out, what a shame!”Charlie asked coldly: “Are you sick? Coming out in the morning without taking

medicine? Do you want me to call 120 for an ambulanceto take you away?”The man hummed and said, “Cut, don’t be here to seduceme. Believe it or not, I will letthe security guard drive you out? A poor guy who has

come here to use air-conditioningand Wi-Fi, still pretends to be something?”Chapter 49:

Charlie didn’t get angry and laughed, and asked him,“If you sell this car , how much canyou get?”The other party said contemptuously: “I can raiseten thousand!”

Charlie nodded: “V ery well, you lost ten thousand.”After speaking, Charlie turned and went out.

He met the manager of this store coming in, and thename of the sales manager: Whibewas written on the other ’s badge.

So Charlie asked him: “Are you the person in chargehere?”“Yes.” Whibe nodded, “What are your needs?”Charlie pointed to the sales just now and said tohim: “Y ou’d better turn that sale of f. As

long as he is here, it will only delay the businessof your 4s store.”When the man heard this, he rushed over and said,“Manager Whibe, don’t listen to hisnonsense, this man is sick! He just came to use the

air-conditioning wire!”Charlie smiled and said, “If I am rag, just wait andsee.”After speaking, he immediately went out and went directlyto the BMW showroom next


As soon as he arrived at the BMW store, Charlie saw one of the most luxurious BMW760. This is the top accessory of the BMW 7 Series.

It is the most expensive model ofBMW .

The BMW 760 has a 12-cylinder engine, which is extremelypowerful, and the interior isa luxurious mess.

He is also a little angry , don’t these Audi idiotslook down on him? OK, then I will buy atop-fitting BMW for you to see.

Anyway , the Lord has money!So he directly greeted a BMW salesperson and asked:

“This 760, can I just take itaway?”The other girl was stunned: “Brother , this car hasjust arrived in the showroom today .

Are you sure you want to buy it?”“Yes.” Charlie nodded: “I’m sure, take me to swipethe card!”“Ah? This car is 2.6 million!” The other party wasutterly dumbfounded.

She’s been selling cars for a long time and has neverseen a customer who comes inand asks for a card swipe without saying anything.

Isn’t this elder brother here to amuse himself?

Charlie smiled and said: “I know , I see the price,you just say you sell it or not!”“Sell, sell, of course,” the little girl said happily:

“Then please!”Immediately afterward, under the leadership of theother party , Charlie swiped his card,paid, and picked up the car in one go.

When the 2.6 million BMW 760 came out, the peoplein the Audi store looked stupid.

Charlie drove the BMW 760 directly to the entranceof the Audi store, then opened thetrunk and put his electric bike in, and then he droveaway in a big way .

The shopping guide who looked down on Charlie was stunned. The Manager Whibenext to him said with a cold face: “Go to the HR andcollect your dues, you are fired!”“manager”“roll!”

The employees in other Audi stores were also scaredsilly. d*mn, no one would havethought that the person riding an electric bike wasso arrogant, with a car of more than2.6 million, and he would buy it!

The shopping guide who despised Charlie was even moreregretful. Not only did hemiss a major customer , missed tens of thousands ofcommissions, but also lost his job.

If he had known this way , he would not look down uponothers.

Here, when Charlie drove the BMW 760 out, he felta little impulsive just now .

He didn’t feel sorry for the money , but the car wastoo expensive. How could he explainit to Claire?

Two million six hundred thousand, it can’t fall fromthe sky?

Chapter 50:

After thinking about it, a great idea suddenly poppedinto his mind.

Later , he drove to the roadside car repair shop andspent 20 to ask the boss to replacethe BMW 760 logo with a BMW 520.

The BMW 5 Series looks very similar to the 7 Series.

The dif ference is mainly internal. Itis difficult for most people to distinguish from theoutside, mainly by the tail label.

The 520 is the lowest in the 5 series, with averagepower and control, and average in allaspects.

The 760 is the highest in the 7 Series, with extremelystrong power , extremely strongcontrol, and strong in all aspects.

Charlie drove the 760 with the 520 sign and thought to himself that Claire didn’t knowmuch about cars and didn’t study the car . He toldher that it was a BMW 520, and sheprobably couldn’t recognize it.

The owner of the car repair shop slapped his lips,and said to his heart, this guy lookedvery honest, but he didn’t expect to have such a heart,and deliberately changed the topmatching 760 to 520, he must be thinking about pretending

to be a pig and eating atiger!After buying the car , Charlie thought that DarrenWhite’ s restaurant was opening atnoon today , and he had to prepare a gift for him.

Thinking that Darren was the only classmate who treatedhim well during college, hedrove directly to a large consignment shop of artand literature and bought an earlypainting by Qing Dynasty painter Huang Shen for 200,000.

Huang Shen is not too famous, so most people can’trecognize his paintings.

The reason for buying such an ancient painting isthat, on the one hand, he felt that heshould give Darren a weighty gift, but on the otherhand, he did not want to let othersknow how much the painting was worth.

He thought, if someone asked about it, he would justbe fooled by saying that it was afew thousand.

It was almost noon after buying the painting, Charliecalled his wife Claire and told herhe’ll pick her up from the Emgrand Group along withElsa.

As you can see, Claire discovered that Charlie actuallydrove a BMW 5 Series!She looked at Charlie dumbfounded, and asked in surprise:

“Where did this car comefrom?”Charlie smiled and said, “I bought it for you!”“You bought it?” Claire was even more surprised: “Wheredid you get the money?”

“Private money .” Charlie said: “Look, I have been in the Willson family for so long, and Ididn’t spend a penny when I got married. These years, I have eaten at the Willsonfamily , lived in the Willson family , and used theWillson family’ s resources. What’ s weirdabout saving some private money?”

Claire said, “But you save money and keep it for yourself!Why do you buy such anexpensive car? It costs 400,000?”Charlie smiled and said: “Y ou are my wife. If I don’tuse my personal money for you

whom should I use it for? Besides, you are now thedirector with no car . Everyone willlaugh at you.”At this time, Elsa also said: “Claire, you reallyneed a business car , this car is quite

suitable for you, Charlie has you in his heart, youshould be happy!”Claire nodded and said very moved: “Charlie, thankyou!”Charlie shook his hand gently , and said with a smile:

“Why are you so polite with yourhusband?”After speaking, he greeted the two and said: “Let’ sgo directly to Darren’ s hotel!”Claire hurriedly asked, “Did you buy him a gift?”

“I bought it.” Charlie said, “I bought him a painting.”“Painting?” Claire asked curiously , “What kind ofpainting?”Charlie said: “It’ s the kind of ancient paintingssold on Antique Street. I think the painting

is a pomegranate, which means more money , more wealth,and more fortune. It’ s prettygood, so I bought it.”Claire asked, “How much did you buy it for?”“Some thousands.”

Claire nodded and said with a smile: “Then you mighthave been cheated! You can’t buyany real ancient paintings for a few thousand.”Charlie said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter , it’s mainly a kind of heart, courtesy is lessaffectionate.”

Claire nodded in agreement, and said, “Y ou are right.

The main thing is love. Let’ s gostraight to the hotel now!”

Download The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 46 50 of Study Material Study Resources In PDF Format - (2024)


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Charlie Wade was the live-in son-in-law that everyone despised, but his real identity as the heir of a prominent family remained a secret. He swore that one day, those who shunned him would kneel before him and beg for mercy, eventually! This is Book 1 of 【The Amazing Son-in-Law】The Charismatic Charlie Wade.

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Charlie Wade is a live-in son in law. At the age of eight, his father and mother were hounded out by the grandfather. They lived a miserable life and soon died one after another. The child Charlie was then sent to an orphanage where he spends the rest of his life.

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He never told his wife and the Wilson family about his real identity. The Charismatic Charlie Wade now has the life he has always dreamed of.

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The Plot Summary of The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Charlie, once perceived as a 'loser' and kept in the dark about his true identity as the CEO of the Emgrand Group, embarks on a transformative journey. As secrets unravel, Charlie discovers he's the heir to a prominent city family.

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show ▼±live-in son-in-law, man who marries and lives with his wife's family.

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Charlie wade is the son-in-law of the willson family. His in-laws bully him because he is a poor person. But everything changed when he found out that he was a billionaire. Charlie Wade tried to be strong for his loved ones.

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After seeing Charlie's birth certificate (which named Bobby as Charlie's legal father), Jenna confessed that Renaldo Marchetta was actually Charlie's biological father and that she had listed Bobby as the legal father in order to protect her legal interests in future disputes with Marchetta over Charlie.


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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.